Thursday, September 29, 2011

Keskarel - update this week: First draft of the script is done

Much thanks to AD Chris who set the whole storyboard down on paper, and giving the dialogue and sense of place in the script, as we knew way back when that he would do. sylvia and Chris will be reading the script (15 minutes at a time) at weekly story conferences through the end of October.

Look for installments of the first draft of the script beginning this weekend.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Keskarel, a Quicktime storyboard

Keskarel is a live-action (not an animatic!) feature-length Quicktime storyboard, directed and produced by sylviatoyindustries. The characters and the dialogue in Keskarel were entirely improvised by the actors, using a storyline written by Chris Arthur-Henly Robinson. Entirely - so much so, that 75% of what we shot was thrown out as the characters lived an ever-changing story in their fictional world. This piece will be produced in late 2011-early 2012 with full tech by sylviatoyindustries, with Michael Lewis and Chris Robinson co-directing. This movie is from San Francisco. The cast is Diana Slampyak, Nima Nejad, Nidal Yousef, Steven Lewis, Sapna Gandhi and Nena St. Louis. We thank Zatoon Records for the loan of tunes by The Neybuzz. Our movie is blogged at 'Keskarel' is shot on Canon Vixias.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

A message from Mike & sylvia: While we wait ...

Lots of practice over Labor Day Weekend up in the mountains outside Las Vegas with our latest acquisitions - Mike tested the wide angle lens and tried out the telephoto lens, which he doesn't think we'll need as much.

CowboyStudio Photo Studio 32in 2-in-1 Circular Collapsible Disc Reflector

sylvia also just received our new reflectors - 
14.75 USD plus shipping is not bad!

A message from sylviatoyindustries: While we wait ...

while we wait for the storyboard screening on Saturday, and for October, when the script is done and we start shooting the real movie, somebody gave Nidal a flyer for Dell's (yes, the computer company) small business video competition on Youtube. sylvia was glad she got all that experience shooting at Nabila's, because she shot and edited this in about 16 hours this weekend. Yay, Nidal!